
Elbow Pain When Lifting [Rehabscience]

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Elbow Pain When Lifting

Do you have pain on the inside of your elbow? Does it hurt when bending or straightening your elbow or when gripping objects? This program covers stretching and strengthening exercises that will help you alleviate pain due to irritation of the tendons on the inside of the elbow.

Pain on the inside of the elbow is often thought to be associated with irritation of the tendons of the wrist and finger flexor muscles as they attach on the medial epicondyle of the humerus. This region of pain is usually diagnosed as medial epicondyalgia or ‘golfer’s elbow’.

Because golfer’s elbow is associated with the tendons attaching at the medial or inside of the elbow, it can really be broadly classified as a tendinopathy. And, like other tendinopathies, it often responds well to a resistance training program that progressively increases the capacity of the tendons.

If you have pain at the inside of the elbow and think you may be suffering from golfer's elbow, this program will help to reduce pain and improve overall function. In the majority of cases, a simple home exercise program is sufficient to alleviate symptoms associated with this condition.

Disclaimer: Dr. Tom Walters and Rehab Science recommend that you speak with your doctor or physical therapist before participating in this rehab program. The videos in this program are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. No information in the program videos is to be taken as medical or health advice. You agree, upon purchase, to release Dr. Tom Walters and Rehab Science of any and all liability and responsibility from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries, or damages. You agree to use this program at your own risk. Seek medical advice if you have any concerns about your individual needs.
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